I'm a postdoc in the CAST group at the University Observatory Munich and part of the excellence cluster Origins. My research interests are astrophysics on large-scales and models beyond ΛCDM. I prefer to work numerically, including all the way from new ideas for numerical schemes to the analysis of simulation data.
In my research, I focuse on the phenomenology of dark matter with frequent self-interactions (small-angle scattering). N-body simulations are employed to study how self-interactions can alter the distribution of dark matter. In particular, I have developed a numerical scheme that allows – for the first time – to simulate mergers or do cosmological simulations with this type of self-interaction. For more details, see my publications or the darkium webpage.
I am a postdoc in the CAST group with Prof. K. Dolag working on simulations of self-interacting dark matter.
I did my doctorate on simulations of self-interacting dark matter at the Hamburg Observatory and was part of the excellence cluster Quantum Universe. Supervisors: Prof. M. Brüggen and Dr. K. Schmidt-Hoberg.
Master thesis with Dr. A. Pillepich at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg.
Bachelor thesis with Prof. H. Klahr at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg.
Worked as a master's student on angular-dependent self-interactions
Worked as a master's student on mergers of galaxy clusters with dark matter self-interactions and intracluster medium
Works as a master's student on the evolution of self-interacting dark matter haloes
Works as a master's student on galaxies in galaxy clusters
Master thesis on Simulation of SIDM with angular-velocity-dependent cross sections